Advisory: Senegal
Issued by US Department of State

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Reissued with obsolete COVID-19 page links removed.      

Exercise normal precautions in Senegal. Some areas have increased risk.  Read the entire Travel Advisory.

Exercise Increased Caution in:

  • The Casamance region due to crime and landmines.

Read the country information page for additional information on travel to Senegal.

If you decide to travel to Senegal: 

Casamance Region – Level 2: Exercise Increased Caution
There are sporadic reports of armed banditry in the Casamance region.

Landmines from prior conflicts remain a concern in the region.

The U.S. government has limited ability to provide emergency services to U.S. citizens in the Casamance region. U.S. government employees are required to coordinate all travel to the area with security officials and any travel off the main routes generally requires additional security measures (e.g. driving in a caravan of multiple vehicles, consulting local security officials, or carrying personal travel locaters). U.S. government employees are also prohibited from travelling after dark anywhere in the Casamance region.

Notes(not set)
Alerts(not set)
Start Date2023-07-31
End Date(not set)
Passport ValidityMust be valid at time of entry (6 month left)
Passport Pages1
Visa Required1
Immunizations(not set)
Currency Restrictions at Border EntryNone
Currency Restrictions at Border Exit(not set)